6 Dec 20
Christmas Opening
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All our foodbank centres are open until Wed 23 Dec (last day of opening). We are opening for a special session at Salvation Army on Wed 23rd Dec as well as Holy Cross church. Foodbank is then closed until Mon 4th Jan, 9:30am at the warehouse for donations and 2pm-4pm at All Nations Church. We […]
20 Nov 20
Christmas Comes Early for Bedford Foodbank
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CHRISTMAS HAS COME EARLY FOR BEDFORD FOODBANK Yesterday we were extremely grateful to Bedford-based construction contractor SDC for donating a new van to Bedford Foodbank. Our old Foodbank van, which is used to collect and deliver donations, is no longer fit for purpose due to general wear and tear. SDC heard of the challenges the […]
7 Nov 20
Latest from Bedford Foodbank – 6th Nov 2020
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Just to let you know we are still open as usual as Foodbanks are classed as an essential service. Please spread the word as we do not want people to unnecessarily worry. Our foodbanks will be open during their usual day, time and location. We will announce any temporary closures here on our Website and […]
20 Oct 20
Christmas Reverse Advent Calendar Collections
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If you wish to make a collection for Bedford Foodbank this Christmas please have a look at the Reverse Advent Calendar below. Using this you or your family, class or work group can contribute something each day of December. We are asking that your collections are delivered to the warehouse (Manton Lane Industrial Estate) in […]
20 Oct 20
Thanks to Bedford Borough Council
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Huge thanks to Bedford Borough Council for their grant of £23,000 to Bedford Foodbank, your local Foodbank registered charity. This will allow us to continue providing emergency 3-day food parcels to those in food poverty in Bedford. We have given out 2,179 emergency 3-day food parcels since the Covid-19 crisis began, feeding 4,539 people, 1,574 […]
30 May 20
Award from High Sheriff of Bedfordshire
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We are very grateful to be recognised for the service we provide. Many thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, referral agencies and many other teams that we are working with to help provide local people in crisis with food. Also thank you to the people of Bedford who have continued to support us with food […]
11 May 20
Thanks for Your Support
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The Bedford Foodbank team would like to say a massive thank you to everyone in the community who have continued to support us so faithfully through the present Covid-19 crisis. Food collection bins at all super markets have continued to be full when we call to collect, and we have received additional food and financial […]
17 Mar 20
Covid19 Update – updated 28/5/20
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At present all foodbank centres remain open except for Scott Hall (Thursdays). We will continue to operate our voucher system so please request a voucher from your referral agency. Please continue to donate food to us, our current needs are: Jam, Jars of Sauce (curry/sweet&sour), Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Carrots, Tea-bags (160), Nappies (size 5+6), Hand […]
30 Jan 20
40p For 40 Days Lent Appeal
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This year Bedford Foodbank will again be running our 40p for 40 days Lent Appeal. If you would like to support the Foodbank by taking part in this please look at the poster and leaflet below. Many thanks for your support! 40for40 Leaflet and Gift Aid 40for40 Poster
14 Jan 20
The Great Bedford Foodbank £7433 Christmas Challenge – Final Total!
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Our Christmas Challenge appeal closed on Christmas Day. We’d set the target as £7433 because we fed 7433 people in one year (to the end of August 2019). So, we were hoping to raise the same number of pounds as the number of people we fed. In fact, the grand total for the Christmas Challenge […]