Give Help
Donate money
Big or small, every gift you give helps transform lives.
Our foodbank is run by local people for local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry. Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?
We are very grateful to receive donations through online banking, as cheques or cash, or by Paypal Giving.
Transfer by Online Banking:
If you wish to use online banking please transfer to our account below and contact us by email so we can confirm the transaction has completed successfully.
Bedford Foodbank
National Westminster Bank Ltd
Sort Code: 60 – 02 – 13
Account: 71281320
Donate by Cheque:
To donate by post please make cheques payable to Bedford Foodbank and send them to our office at:
8/9 Murdock Road
Manton Industrial Estate
Bedford MK41 7PE
TO donate by Paypal Giving please click on the button below:
Gift Aid:
If you’re a UK tax payer don’t forget to gift aid your donation by returning a completed form to us. This means we can reclaim about 25p for every £1 that’s donated, at no extra cost to you.
Download Your Gift Aid Form: 4. 9.2.R2 Gift Aid Form 2018
40p for 40 Days Lent Appeal:
This year we will again be running our 40p for 40 days Lent Appeal. If you would like to support the Foodbank by taking part in this please look at the poster and leaflet below. Many thanks for your support!
Other ways to fundraise for us:
Hold a Cake sale/coffee morning/garage sale
Give up your coffee for a month and donate the proceeds
Organise a quiz night
Whatever you do make sure you have fun whilst helping a great cause.
There are some helpful hints and ideas in our handy fundraising booklet.
Regular giving:
We believe in creating sustainable projects that have a lasting impact. Your regular gifts enable us to plan ahead and commit to projects. It’s also an easy way to manage your giving.
Download Your Standing Order Form: 3.9.2.R1 Standing Order 2024 11
You can help to transform lives by remembering Bedford Foodbank in your will. For more information contact us