Covid-19 Update 5th Jan 2021
5th January 2021
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Just to let you know in the new lockdown we are still open as usual as Foodbanks are classed as an essential service. Please spread the word as we do not want people to worry unnecessarily.
Our foodbanks will be open during their usual day, time and location. We will announce any temporary closures here on our Website and Social Media; so please refer to them.
To use our services you do need to be referred and it is easier than ever to speak to someone about a food bank referral. We have over 200 referral agencies.
If you require help please call 0808 2082138 to speak to the National Citizens Advice Bureau who may be able to issue you with a food bank voucher if necessary.
Go to the following link for further details on how to get help from us
If this isn’t possible then please contact the foodbank via email [email protected] or call 01234 268569
Should you just be requiring help with shopping for food then please contact: The Community Hub 01234 718101 or email: [email protected]